Worker training Low Risk (Corso Inglese)


Disponibile anche corsi di certificazioni in inglese


Comprehensive Worker Safety Training Course


This course is designed to equip workers with essential knowledge regarding workplace health and safety regulations in accordance with current legislation (Article 37 of Legislative Decree no. 81 of 2008).


Our aim is to cultivate awareness and a safety-oriented culture among workers, emphasizing the importance of adhering to safety protocols to prevent accidents.

Legislative Compliance

Article 37 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 mandates that employers provide training for all employees, as outlined in the agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of Health, and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano. This training is sanctioned by the State Regions Conference (21/12/2011) and is crucial for compliance with workplace safety regulations.

Course Content

Participants will gain insights into the principles of the Prevention and Protection System adopted by companies. They will learn about various tools and strategies necessary to maintain a safe work environment.

Target Audience

This course is ideal for employers seeking to ensure compliance with Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, as it addresses the employer’s obligation to educate workers about specific risks associated with their tasks.

Topics Covered

  • Overview of Workplace Safety Regulations
  • Roles and Responsibilities in Ensuring Safety
  • Understanding State Regions Agreement 2011
  • Legal Framework of Workplace Safety
  • Rights and Obligations for Ensuring Safety
  • Identifying and Mitigating Risks
  • Introduction to the Company’s Prevention System
  •  Components of the Safety Management Plan
  •  Risk Assessment Procedures
  •  Institutional Safety Protocols

Duration and Format

The course spans 4 hours and is available in both e-learning and classroom formats. The e-learning option offers quality sessions with certification, while the classroom sessions accommodate up to 35 participants and follow a predetermined schedule.


Learning verification is conducted through interactive quizzes and multiple-choice tests.


Upon completion, participants receive a “General Worker Training” certificate attesting to their completion of the 4-hour course.


Our teachers meet the qualifications outlined in the inter-ministerial decree of March 6, 2013, in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 81/2008.


The course is primarily available through e-learning, following the procedures outlined in the State-Regions Agreement of July 7, 2016. Classroom sessions are also available at various locations nationwide, accommodating up to 35 students per session.

View also the attached pdf course data sheet 

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